Variados tipos de Carpas (Koi Fish)

As carpas ou Koi Fish estão entre os temas orientais mais procurados nos estúdios de tatuagem de todo mundo. Após falarmos um pouco sobre as carpas, vamos conhercer mais algumas variações, através das imagens abaixo.

Na primeira imagem, podemos perceber um pouco mais sobre os variados tipos de carpas, entre elas: a Kohaku (de coloração branca e laranja, sem escamas), Taisho Sanke( de coloração branca, preta e laranja), Showa Sanshoku (de coloração branca, preta e predominantemente laranja), Bekko (albina com manchas negras), Utsurimono ou Hi utsuri (laranja e preta), Asagi (Laranja, branca e predominantemente azul), Shusui(Laranja, azul e predominantemente branca), Koromo ou Ai-goromo (Predominentemente branca com manchas e escamas laranja), Kawarimono Goshiki (escamas predominantes azuis, corpo branco e manchas laranjas com pintas negras), Kanoko-goi ou Kanoko Sanke (Corpo branco, manchas negras e escamas laranja), Karasugoi ou Hajiro (predominantemente negra, com manchas brancas nas barbatanas e cauda), Ki-goi (Carpa dourada), Tancho ou Tancho Kobaku (carpa branca com mancha laranja na cabeça). Na segunda figura, temos uma imagem real das carpas relacionadas acima.

Minha Tattoo 49, Suamy da Silveira

Suamy nos escreve de Jaguaruna, Santa Catarina, mas fez a sua primeira tatuagem na cidade de Tubarão, no mesmo estado. Confira a história e exemplo da catarinense que participa do quadro Minha Tattoo.

"Oi, acabei de fazer minha 1ª tattoo, daqui 2 meses farei 41 anos e sempre quis fazer uma, mas nunca tive coragem de enfrentar as opiniões contrárias. É sempre aquele tal: "pensa bem, depois tu vai te arrepender, o que os outros irão dizer", entre outras tantas frases "estimulantes".

Finalmente fiz e querem saber do que mais, todo mundo adorou, achou bonito, bem feita, etc. Fiz no estúdio Glad Tattoo, em Tubarão - SC, e não me arrependo, não sei se farei outras por que o "pós tattoo" está sendo bem dolorido, mas nunca diga nunca. Um beijo a todos e que sirva de exemplo, pois idade não é impecilio para a realização de um sonho. Até mais."

Suamy da Silveira

Participe do quadro Minha Tattoo.

Shamir Shah Design

Sometimes you just never know where the day will take you in New York. I had plans to meet someone for drinks but then someone else invited us to a penthouse roof party with some pretty intimidating creative people but of course we couldn't say no and boy were we glad we didn't. One of the people at the party was Shamir Shah, an architect and interior designer with his own firm, who has also designed some pretty impressive residential buildings and commercial spaces. I like that his style is consistent but tailors the design to the space and probably the client. Some are more spare and modern while others are more detailed and colorful. I think we're going to be hearing more about him for a long time to come.

Who Are You Sleeping On?

Who knew a simple question about ironing sheets could lead to so many comments! Thanks to everyone shared their ironing or non-ironing habits! The consensus seems to be that most people change their sheets once a week and there are a lot of other particular people out there who love ironed sheets as much as I do! Now I don't feel so bad!

That leads to my next question, what is your favorite brand for linens? I have a two wonderful sets from Yves Delorme that are my favorites. They are a bit of a sateen which is why I think they don't look too badly wrinkled out of the dryer and are wonderfully soft. I also own Matouk but they never look as nice. I bought the Bachelor two sets from Restoration Hardware but they didn't look too good out of the dryer, hence the ironing. But David Jimenez has the same linens on his beds and they look pristine. I think he has a little help though.

So who do you prefer to sleep on? Frette, Matouk, Leontine, D. Porthault, Calvin Klein, Sweitzer, Pratesi, Restoration Hardware, Martha Stewart, Pottery Barn, Ikea? Please tell us who and why!

Enquete - 4: "Ao tatuar-se, o que você mais considera?"

Chegamos a nossa quarta enquete. Nela procuramos saber o que nossos vistantes consideram ao tatuarem. Como esperado, a higiene do estúdio ficou em primeiro lugar, com 80% dos votos, deixando a disputa entre o portifólio do tatuador e o preço da tatuagem. Confira abaixo o resultado da enquete que contou com 1.181 votos. Agradecemos a participação de todos.

Ao tatuar-se, o que você mais considera?

Higiene: 954 votos (80%)
Portfólio 123 votos (10%)
Preço: 104 votos (8%)

Fique ligado, o tema da próxima enquete é "Homenagem".

2ª Tattoo Convention - La Paz

A 2ª Tattoo Convention busca ser um espaço de exposição, crescimento e refexão sobre a tatuagem e perfurações corporais. O evento congrega diferentes artistas da tatuagem e perfuração de toda a Sudamérica, em uma festa com muita alegria e diversão. A convenção de tatuagem será realizada em pleno centro da cidade de La Paz, nas instalações da Sociedade Japonesa.

Nos dias 10, 11 e 12 de Outubro, a cidade de La Paz será a anfitriã do encontro que reunirá mais de 30 estúdios de tatuagem profissionais em uma festa de arte, pele, tinta e body piercing, onde todos estão convidados a disfrutar de 3 dias de arte e cultura do corpo.

Tatuadores confirmados

Pepe's Tattoo
Terra Tattoo
Marcelo Lara
Imagina Tattoo
Puma Tattoo
Cancerbero Tattoo
Metamorphosis Tattoo
Wilson Romam
Mandinga Tattoo
Wilbert Tattoo
Chrico Tattoo
Chispa Tattoo
Extreme Supply
Tomy Supply
Black Line
Wilo Tattoo
Caronte Tattoo
Calavera Tattoo


Do You Iron Your Sheets?

We've been having many discussions about bed linens at work this week since we are sourcing them for clients. This lead to more discussions about who irons them and who doesn't and how often they change them. I have also been dealing with linens at the Bachelor Pad since he is out of town and I thought it would be nice if he returned to find the bed dressed with the new linens. I spent more time than I would have liked trying to iron the sheets and shams with a sad old Black & Decker iron that will be replaced on my next trip to Gracious Home. And then I wondered what will happen when I'm not there to deal with them. The cleaning lady changes them but I can't imagine her ever ironing them!

Anyway, I only iron the tops of my flat sheets since that is all you see and all the shams. Some people iron the flat sheets while they are on the bed. Others have their "housekeeper" iron the tops in between washings while on the bed. (That's a bit strange since technically she's ironing "dirty" sheets.) I also hear Oprah likes to have hers changed every other day but when you're a billionaire I guess you're entitled to clean sheets whenever you want them. So I'm curious, do you iron your sheets? Do you think people who do are crazy or just very particular? And how often do you change them?

All linens and photos from Leontine Linens

Christopher Draghi: Photographer Extraordinaire

I love meeting people who are passionate about their work, especially those involved in art and design and this past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting two such wonderful people. The first was a private art consultant who paid her dues and now has an enviable life, in addition to being the sweetest person I've ever met. She and I are going to collaborate on a future blog post and I can't wait to learn more about the New York art world from her!

The second was my new favorite photographer, Christopher Draghi. I was first introduced to his work when I stopped by Flair and have been smitten ever since. His photographs of statues from Florence and the Louvre are so beautiful that they seem to come to life. In fact one reader thought one of them was a real person! So I was even more surprised that photography is not his main focus and that he actually has a day job in addition to many other side projects. If the rest of them are as good as his photography, then the world of art and design is one lucky place!