Morre o rei, nasce a lenda

Morre o rei, nasce a lenda
Em Agosto de 1958, na cidade de Gary, Indiana, nasceu Michael Joseph Jackson.Sua estrela brilhou por algumas primaveras, trazendo para o mundo uma chuva de sucessos e hits inconfundíveis que lhe deram o poderoso título de rei do Pop mundial.Michael começou sua carreira aos 7 anos de idade como vocalista dos Jackson five. Ele era o mais novo do grupo. Porém, isso não o impedira de ser o mais talentoso. Logo em 1979, ele se destacaria dos demais irmãos e decolaria em carreira solo. Mas isso só veio acontecer declaradamente em 1984.Michael, dono de uma voz fenomenal e com um balanço inconfundível,...

Nilton Andrade, Tomi Tattoo Studio

Nilton Andrade, Tomi Tattoo Studio
O tatuador paulista Nilton Andrade inicia sua participação no A Tattoo com o envio de quatro belas tatuagens e quatro folhas de séries de desenhos para tatuagem. Nilton é mais conhecido como Piqueno e com seis anos de experiência tatua no estúdio Tomi Tattoo.Tomi TattooEndereço: Av.: Imirim, 907, Sala 2, São Paulo - SPTelefones: (11) 2239-6428 / 8212-6973 E-mail: Orkut ...

Cinco tatuagens de Anésio Castanho

Cinco tatuagens de Anésio Castanho
No final do ano passado Anésio Castanho participou do A Tattoo com o envio de cinco belos trabalhos, confira mais cinco fotos de tatuagens realizadas por Anésio....

Bob Collins at Todd Romano

Bob Collins at Todd Romano
It's funny when an answer to one of your questions falls in your lap. I've been trying to find out who represents Bob Collins & Sons in New York and just I found out that Todd Romano has recently started carrying the line of fabulous fabrics and wallpapers. You might not know the name Bob Collins but I can bet you've seen the wallpapers used in rooms by the some of the top interior designers as seen below. It was so much fun to be able to check out all the patterns in person and even though none of them seem right for any of my current projects I will definitely be filing them away for a future...

Antony Todd on Sale

Antony Todd on Sale
Antony Todd has exquisite taste and now that eponymous shop is having a sale, you may actually be able to afford a few of his impeccable choices. Items that are 25-40% off are marked with a tag. Everything else is regular price. Don't forget to peek downstairs. You won't see Antony since he's in Europe but you will find more of his treasures. Bonne Chance! Antony Todd44 East 11th StreetNew York, NY 10013212-529-3252www.antonytodd.comPhotos by Heather Claw...

At Home in Argentina

At Home in Argentina
I received a lot of responses to the post on Etiqueta Negra store post. Seems many of you have been to the store in Buenos Aires and really loved it. You may also enjoy a peek inside the Buenos Aires country home of the owners Paula Cahen D'Anvers and Federico Alvarez Castillo that was published in the January 2005 issue of World of Interiors. What I love is the down to earth realness of the interiors. It's not over done or fancy. It looks like a truly relaxing weekend country home full of treasures found at "flea markets, antique shops and junk shops." The article mentions that the family...

Habitually Chic Boutique: Etiqueta Negra

Habitually Chic Boutique: Etiqueta Negra
I'm in love....with a boutique...and you will be too when you see it! The popular Argentinian brand Etiqueta Negra quietly opened on Lafayette Street this winter without the fanfare that it clearly deserves. The clothing that can be described as classic is made from the finest fabrics and is of the highest quality which makes me think of it as the South American version Brooks Brothers but with definitely more sex appeal! The dark and moody decor may make it appear at first glance to be just for the boys but they also sell beautiful women's clothing and accessories for day and night at a...