Young Designers and Collectors

Young Designers and Collectors
Thursday was an interesting day. It started with a Design Big: From Conception to Reality a panel discussion about how to start and manage a successful design business that was sponsored by American Express Open and Domino. (Talk about timing.) Tori Mellott was moderator to the panel with included Stephanie Odegard of Odegard, Inc. and interior designers Christopher Coleman and Ashley Whittaker. It was a very informative discussion and the bullet points that I can give you if you are thinking of starting your own design business is to be extremely organized, learn how to sell yourself and...

Thanks House Beautiful!

Thanks House Beautiful!
I owe House Beautiful another big thank you for including Habitually Chic as one of the sites they love. And another thank you goes out to Amy Claire Preiser for writing it up! Check out Sites We Love on House Beautiful here. (Oh, let's all make sure we support House Beautiful so they're not next on the list of shelter magazines we loved but are no longer with u...

Technical Difficulties

Technical Difficulties
I apologize for not posting yesterday or earlier today. My internet service was out for over 24 hours. And as soon as it came back, the television cable went out. Thanks Time Warner. I will now be researching new service providers in addition to working on a new blog post. Please stand by....

Cursos para tatuadores, micropigmentadores, piercers e proprietários de estúdios de tatuagens

Cursos para  tatuadores, micropigmentadores, piercers e proprietários de estúdios de tatuagens
A tatuadora profissional Mallu Santos programou para o ano de 2009, alguns cursos paralelos dirigidos aos tatuadores, micropigmentadores, piercers e proprietários de estúdios de tatuagens ou clínicas de beleza. Os cursos serão divididos por áreas técnicas e ministrados por profissionais competentes, incluem materiais didáticos, certificados e coffee break. Cada curso terá a duração de um dia. Programação para o Primeiro semestre- Anatomia, histologia e fisiologia da pele.Conteúdo: O que é a pele, como ela é formada e suas principais funções. Objetivos: Conhecer mais profundamente o maior orgão...

"I feel like I'm going to cry!"

"I feel like I'm going to cry!"
This has got to be the worst day in New York. It's snowy and raining. There is at least six inches of muck and slush on every street corner. I think I may have ruined my boots. And it's the day that word came that Domino is to cease publication after the March 2009 issue. I was sitting in the chair at the hair salon trying to enjoy a little pampering when the first death knell email of many arrived. The sentiments were all the same. Everyone is very sad and upset. Domino was a favorite among my friends and although we had heard the rumors it might fold, I hoped they would make it for...


I've been a little behind on my magazines and have been trying to catch up before the mammoth March issues arrive and I'm so glad I finally got through February's W magazine. I'm still marveling at the extraordinary life of Lindy, the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava who lives in Clandeboye, a 2,00 acre estate in Northern Ireland. I guess she could be described as eccentric but in a good way. She grew up in and also married into the Guinness family, spent the winter of her 14th year with her father, step-mother and Truman Capote in Palm Beach, sailed with Jacques Cousteau, and with her husband...

At Home at Sarlo

At Home at Sarlo
I love stores that look like homes. I think it makes it so much easier to picture how something would look in a room which is especially helpful for non-designers. They also look like places you would want to hang out in all day and Gabriella Sarlo's shop/showroom Sarlo is no different. The space was co-designed by Stephen Shubel who I featured last week and Sarlo represents his French antiques, as well as new furniture from Pieter Porters and Astier de Villatte among others. Gabriella is also friends with interior designer Grant K. Gibson so it seems that all the talented designers in San...

Tatuagens e pinturas de Tânia Trezze

Tatuagens e pinturas de Tânia Trezze
Meu nome é Tânia Trezze, tenho 26 anos de idade. Sempre curti desenho e pintura, então resolvi aprender a tatuar. Não tenho muito tempo de profissão, mas estou sempre estudando e aprendendo novas técnicas. Trabalho no studio STAR 13 ARTS que fica na Penha/São Paulo-SP Agradeço ao site A tattoo por mostrarem meus trabalh...

Curso de Biossegurança com Certificado e palestra gratuitos

Curso de Biossegurança com Certificado e palestra gratuitos
A Alemão Tattoo Shopping, em parceria com a Sercon e com o apoio da Prefeitura Municipal de Santos, decidiu que além da realização de uma forte Campanha Social de prevenção a DSTS, nomeadamente AIDS e HEPATITE, a 1ª Tattoo Mix Convention seria uma ótima oportunidade para oferecerem aos tatuadores de todo o Brasil, um Curso de Biossegurança com Certificado e uma palestra com a Equipe da Vigilância Sanitária a fim de somar na qualificação dos Tatuadores Profissionais interessados.A Palestra da Secretaria da Saúde e o Curso de Biossegurança serão gratuitos, será cobrado apenas o ingresso ao evento....

House Proud

House Proud
I finally had a chance to see House Proud: Nineteenth-century Watercolor Interiors from the Thaw Collection at the Cooper Hewitt this past weekend and was so glad that I made it before it closed Sunday. The watercolors were amazing and so were the stories of surrounding each of them and the rooms they depicted. It was such a wonderful insight not only into interior design of the times but the history and purpose of the different rooms in a home. I was also struck by the intricate detail of the watercolors and beautiful furnishings and patterns in so many of them. I purchased the accompanying...

The Bachelorette Pad: It's Coming Together

The Bachelorette Pad: It's Coming Together
I spent most of yesterday and today at The Bachelorette Pad and we're definitely making progress. The bedroom is almost finished and is turning out to be my favorite room! The draperies have been hung and steamed and the headboard was attached so it's coming together. We just need to purchase the lamps for the bedside tables and finalize the art and then it will be done. You can see better in this photo how the stripes of the draperies from Restoration Hardware pickup the colors of the rug from Pottery Barn. The Bachelorette said her friend thought the rug was custom and is excited that...

The Paris Years

The Paris Years
One good thing to come out of my recent short lived romance with an artist was a trip to The Whitney Museum of American Art to see Alexander Calder: The Paris Years 1926-1933. I think most people are familiar with Calder through his mobiles but this exhibition brings a whole other side of Calder to light through his wonderfully creative wire caricature portraits, wire menagerie of animals, and his famous Circus. Around every corner is a new visual treat. I think this was of my favorite shows of all time and I hope everyone will try to see it before it closes on February 15th. Alexander Calder,...