No ocidente, os desenhos de mulheres estiveram presentes nos álbuns, desde o início da popularização da tatuagem. Selecionamos por diversos tipos de desenhos de mulheres procuradas nos estúdios de tatt...
Dressing the Home
Posted by Anonymous
Posted on 6:50 AM
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New York is a buzz right now in preparation for Fashion Week which begins tomorrow so what better way to start things off than by letting you know about a new book that peaks into the homes of some of the most talented fashion designers. Dressing the Home: The Private Spaces of Top Fashion Designers by Marie Bariller and photographs by Guillaume de Laubier has already been out in France but will be available here in either March or June depending on which online book retailer you check, and is perfect for fashion lovers and design enthusiasts alike. I am excited for this book because I love see...
Dressing the Home,
Coleção de desenhos tribais
Posted by Zulian Firdaus
Posted on 6:43 PM
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Confira 79 ótimas referências para tatuagens tribais. De tribais com fundos coloridos à tribais femininos. Tribais comuns como os abstratos e coloridos também encontram-se nesta coleção....