Living with Art: Part Deux Update

Living with Art: Part Deux Update
I love it when people I've profiled email me or leave comments. They always add that missing element that makes the story so much more interesting. So I was very excited to receive the following comment regarding my profile of Marc Jacobs' Paris home that was featured in the November 2007 issue of W magazine. I hope you enjoy it too! "I am the women in the sitting room photo. I'm Marc's personal chef. The photographer, Philip-Lorca DiCorcia decided he wanted me in one of the photos. Marc asked me if I wouldn't mind being in one of the photos with him while I was serving them all lunch on the...

D.L. & Co. - Modern Alchemists and Purveyors of Curious Goods

D.L. & Co. - Modern Alchemists and Purveyors of Curious Goods
There are creative types and then their are creative types that take things to a whole other level. Such is the case with Douglas Little, owner of D.L. & Co., which touts itself as Modern Alchemists and Purveyors of Curious Goods. That's putting it mildly. And what better time of year to profile Mr. Little and his fabulous company than at Halloween!My first introduction to Douglas Little was through his original signature line of candles. They smelled like nothing I'd ever encountered before and had names that sounded slightly sinister like Thorn Apple, my favorite. I love it so much that...

Chic Designer: Antonia Hutt

Chic Designer: Antonia Hutt
I realized recently that I haven't been focusing on interiors as much so I thought it was about time I profiled the home of one of my favorite interior designers, Antonia Hutt. Or at least what her L.A. home looked like in May 2001 House Beautiful magazine. I've held onto the tear sheets for years because I loved her use of color. It's funny that Antonia Hutt claims not to have a favorite color since her home is filled with orange and my home contains not much orange at all even though it is my favorite color.It seems like nowadays, everyone has a Saarinen table and matching chairs but what really...

Femininas Flores

Femininas Flores
As flores ainda estão entre os temas mais procurados pelas mulheres nos estúdios de tatuagens. Rosas, orquídeas, margaridas e flor de lótus, estão entre as mais procuradas. Por vezes são acompanhadas por aves borboletas ou um simples tribal....

Verslag Tattoo Convention Amsterdam

Verslag Tattoo Convention Amsterdam
Imagens da Convenção Internacional de Amsterdam a Verslag Tattoo Conventi...

Top 10 - Body Mod

Top 10 - Body Mod
Confira o Top 10 de modificações corporais, segundo o site Russo Rambler Planeta. Uma lista de modificações corporais extremas, recordes e muita personalidade. 10. Leopard Man (Тom leppard) 9. Etienne Dumont 8. Rick Genest7. The Illustrated Lady (Julia Gnuse)6. Elaine Davidson5. Kala Kaiwi4. Pauly Unstoppable3. Eric Sprague2. Lucky Diamond Rich1. Stalking ...

Studio Emilio Tattoo

Studio Emilio Tattoo
O Studio Emilio Tattoo conta com uma estrutura aprovada pela Vigilância Sanitária em ambiente confortável e diferenciado.Trabalhamos com Profissionais preparados para atender e desenvolver todos os tipos de desenhos. Se você tem ou pensa em fazer uma tatuagem mande uma mensagem para gente no e-mail: emiliotattoo@gmail.comO studio está localizado na Rua Clélia, 1250 – Com estacionamento no local.Nosso telefone é 11 3476-83...

Personagens dos games ilustram corpos dos adeptos

Personagens dos games ilustram corpos dos adeptos
As tatuagens em temas de video games teem cada vez mais espaço, e o resultado são tatuagens sempre coloridas e divertidas. Começamos a no série com o clássico Mário da Niten...